1.sleeping in a way that makes it very difficult to wake you
1.When I'm in a full-blown, dead-to-the-world snore, my husband has to give me a gentle nudge, wake me up and tell me to turn the other way.
2.Want to rouse that Asiatic black bear dead to the world really, selfish have appeared to have depended on my heart , have forget it!
3.If I am dead to the world until midday and do nothing of any value in the morning, why can't I work flexible hours?
4.When they got home, the children were already dead to the world.
5.When they dropped in and knocked the door, I was dead to the world.
6.Researchers say the discovery could lead to spindle-enhancing techniques that offer lighter sleepers a chance at dead-to-the-world rest.
7.The next time you go to a retreat, just desire to know God: For just five days, be dead to the world.
8.During two long weeks Tom lay a prisoner, dead to the world and its happenings.
9.I am dead to the world's tumult, And I rest in a quiet realm! I live alone in my heaven, In my love and in my song!
10.Alec must have drunk an awful lot. He is lying on his bed, dead to the world.